JMLT spends 85% of funds directly on land acquisition, outdoor activities, stewardship, and other programs. Our revenue comes from the generous support of individuals, foundations, corporations, government agencies and other sources. With the support of people like you, we’ve protected and currently steward more than 3,900+ stunning acres in the East Bay. Our goal is to double that number over the next five years.

JMLT puts 85 cents of every dollar directly into land acquisition, stewardship, and other programs. For every $1 contributed by individuals, we receive $4 from other sources --- that means your dollar works even harder as it gets multiplied 4x to protect land held in perpetuity --- for future generations to come! Any way you look at it, your donation to JMLT goes a very long way. Donate today.

The significant increase in Net Assets from $25.5M in FY2022to $54.0M in FY2023 is due to an increase in the value of land holdings with the acquisition of Harvey Ranch and the conveyance of full title to Pacheco Marsh to JMLT exclusively in 2023. Pacheco Marsh had been acquired jointly by JMLT, Contra Costa County Flood Control Water Conservation District, and East Bay Regional Park District in 2003.
John Muir Land Trust is exempt from federal income taxation under Section 501(C)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
In September, 2021 JMLT adopted accounting practices that align with evolved industry practices to better characterize expenses to acquire and hold land as programmatic and mission-related. Amended 990s have been filed for FY 2020, FY 2019, and FY 2018. View a letter from our auditor Regalia Associates.