Governor Newsom Affirms Critical Role of Land Conservation In Fight Against Climate Change

The Governor’s Executive Order N-82-20 issued in October sets a first-in-the-nation goal of conserving 30 percent of California’s land and water by 2030 to fight species loss and ecosystem destruction, and importantly, it directs state agencies to store carbon in the state’s conserved lands.

The land trust community across the state enthusiastically embraces this call to action, and is proud of the recognition it gives to our work over the last several decades. Today, JMLT is actively engaged in three of the four key strategies outlined:

  • Family Harvest Farm aims directly for “healthy soils management, including planting cover crops, hedgerows and compost applications.”
  • There is perhaps no better example of “wetlands restoration to protect coastal areas” than Pacheco Marsh.
  • All of our work together, such as the recent acquisitions of Painted Rock and Almond Ranch are “boosting green infrastructure in urban areas.”

You—the donors, volunteers, and supporters—who make this work possible are the key to achieving these ambitious goals. Thank you!

A copy of the order can be viewed here.