Active Land Stewardship

Land provides food, water, recreation, natural beauty and wildlife habitat. When JMLT acquires a property we apply both traditional and innovative stewardship techniques to maintain, restore, and enhance its unique conservation values. We employ professional rangers and engage the services of biologists, environmental cleanup specialists, landscape designers, and other partners who are among the best in their fields. There always seems to be another fence to mend or a trail to clear after a winter storm. Volunteers can often be seen planting trees, building trails, or removing invasive species. Well-maintained facilities for human visitors such as restrooms, parking areas, and signage on trails ensure that your visits are frequent and fun. 

Ongoing support from JMLT's community of donors keeps this complex operation running smoothly throughout the year. Stewardship is vital to JMLT's mission, as taking care of our East Bay lands is essential to the health of our earth, air, water, plants and animals — and all of us.

Get Involved

Love the outdoors? Want to make a difference? Join us as a volunteer trail steward. Learn more about volunteering at JMLT here.