Connecting Harvey Ranch to Carr Ranch is the Ridgeline Trail, a nearly mile-long public access pathway through protected habitat. The trail transects a 273-acre property set aside as a restricted area for the endangered Alameda whipsnake and the threatened California red-legged frog. Visitors must stay on the trail.

View from Harvey Ranch towards Carr Ranch

View from Harvey Ranch towards Carr Ranch

A conservation easement is held by Wildlife Heritage Foundation (WHF). Protecting the property is the result of offsite mitigation, an outcome that typically occurs when new development causes resource impacts in one location and the developer is required to protect habitat elsewhere. In the case of the Ridgeline Trail, JMLT worked for several years with WHF, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, and the developer-landowner to de-sign the easement and create this important connection from Harvey Ranch into the Las Trampas Regional Wilderness.

Conservation advocates celebrate a win for everyone. Development can proceed. Important wildlife habitat is protected. Visitors agree to stay on the trail so as to have minimal impact on the land. And the public gains quick access to a remarkable 15,000-acre wilderness wonderland right next door.