Consistent, reliable funding allows us to better plan for the stewardship of our protected properties. Sustaining Members provide a steady stream of support through monthly contributions to John Muir Land Trust (JMLT). We are grateful to our Sustaining Members and invite you to JOIN TODAY >>


Explore whether your employer offers a payroll deduction campaign to donate to JMLT. It’s easy and convenient, plus your employer may match your employee giving, doubling or even tripling your gift to John Muir Land Trust. Some employers also match gifts made by retirees, spouses and board members.  Use our donation matching tool to see if your employer will match your gift to JMLT.


A donor advised fund, which is like a charitable savings account, gives you the flexibility to recommend how much and how often money is granted to John Muir Land Trust. You can recommend a grant or recurring grants now to make an immediate impact or use your fund as a tool for future charitable gifts. LEARN MORE >>

Gifts From Your IRA

Many people aged 70 ½ years or older are making direct distributions from retirement accounts to qualified charities such as John Muir Land Trust. A Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) may meet the Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) tax-free. Be sure to talk to your tax advisor. Most IRA custodians have distribution forms that may be obtained by mail or downloaded from their websites to make a gift from your retirement account. If the custodian of your retirement account does not have a specific form, use this letter when contacting your IRA custodian to request a Qualified Charitable Distribution. You may also use the letter to fill out the form provided by your custodian. JMLT does not provide tax advice, and this information is not intended as such. For more info, email Kathleen Stavis or call (925) 293-4807.


Gifts of stock are an easy way to make a lasting contribution to JMLT while realizing significant tax benefits. JMLT does not provide or offer legal or tax advice, please contact a qualified financial or legal advisor to understand the full tax and timing implications of your donation. JMLT sells donated stocks tax-free, using 100% of your gift to support our land conservation efforts. To make a tax-deductible gift of stock, bonds, or mutual fund shares to John Muir Land Trust, follow these instructions.


Your tribute gift to John Muir Land Trust honors the importance of someone special, creating a lasting tribute by helping to protect vital open space. The benefits will be forever preserved in the East Bay’s rolling meadows, tree-covered hills and stunning vistas. JMLT will promptly acknowledge your gift with a card to the person or family you ask us to notify. If it’s a milestone to remember, it’s worth a tribute gift to JMLT. MAKE  A TRIBUTE GIFT >>


Donating your land to John Muir Land Trust is among the most generous legacies you can leave to future generations. JMLT gratefully receives donations of land and property every year. Many of these become conserved properties that are protected forever. Other times, generous donors make gifts of homes and parcels of land that are not suitable for conservation, but that we can sell for funds we then use to acquire other lands. LEARN MORE >>


Are you on the verge of buying a new vehicle? Donating your used car, truck, or boat to JMLT is tax-deductible. And by working with our partner, Car Donation Services, the transaction is easy and hassle-free. LEARN MORE >>