About John Muir Land Trust

John Muir Land Trust serves the human and non-human residents of the Northern California counties of Alameda and Contra Costa by conserving land that supports the health and well-being of all. We believe that everyone should have access to the beauty and benefits of nature, and we are committed to fostering a diverse, equitable, inclusive community.

What We Do

  • Acquire land and preserve its natural state and habitat value in perpetuity
  • Steward the properties we own to maintain, restore, and enhance the unique conservation values of each place
  • Encourage nature enthusiasts of all ages to experience our properties through recreation, community farming, and outdoor learning experiences
  • Promote environmental awareness and understanding of the profound relationship between close-to-home nature and human happiness.

The next three decades will be among our most challenging ever. The Bay Area welcomes a diverse and expanding population. It is driven by a booming economy and offers breathtaking natural beauty at our doorsteps. Forecasts call for the population in our two East Bay counties to increase by nearly 800,000 people. That’s about the size of one San Francisco or three Marin counties—just the increase. This means profound changes in the landscape as pressure mounts for more housing, more commercial services, more places of employment, and an expanding transportation footprint.

One implication is clear: land conservation is entering an endgame. What we achieve over the next thirty years will fix the natural landscape of the East Bay. The good news is that we can determine that outcome by shaping what future residents of the East Bay will experience. That is both a tremendous opportunity and a huge responsibility. Join us!

The vitality of our open spaces is essential to the health of our earth, air, water and our native plants and animals — and all of us.