
JMLT Properties

John Muir Land Trust manages a stunning landscape of 23 properties comprising 4,000+ acres of classic East Bay hills, woodlands, grasslands, former ranches, streams and shoreline. These places offer spectacular views; multi-use trails to traverse by foot, hoof, paw, and bicycle tire; healthy food; clean drinking water; and permanently preserved habitat for native wildlife including many threatened and endangered plants and animals.

Use our interactive map to discover each property. Simply click on a map marker for directions, trail maps, recommended hikes, and available activities at that property.

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Acalanes Ridge Franklin Ridge [Includes Almond Ranch, Dutra Ranch, Gustin Ranch, Mount Wanda, Sky Ranch, Stonehurst, & West Hills Farm] Moraga Hills [Includes Carr Ranch & Harvey Ranch]

Acalanes Ridge

The easily accessible summit offers stunning panoramic views of central Contra Costa — a not-to-be-missed highlight of the area’s extensive trail system. The views of nearby Mount Diablo are exceptional. More

Almond Ranch

The proverbial “missing piece” along Franklin Ridge, these 281 acres were a top priority for conservationists for three decades. Grants from East Bay Regional Park District and the California Wildlife Conservation Board, along with a stunning $1 million in donations large and small from the JMLT community saved the ranch in 2019. More

Hamlin Nature Park

Tucked into suburban Lafayette, the 20-acre Hamlin Nature Park property is a wonderful example of a neighborhood park-in-the-making, one that gives people everyday access to the natural beauty of the East Bay just steps from their homes. More


Margaret Bodfish established a trust so that her Orinda home would become a public park. With dream-like woodlands and paths that connect to nearby trails, the 7-acre preserve is now a beloved community treasure. More

Carr Ranch

A pristine 604 acres adjacent to Lamorinda, Carr Ranch provides clean drinking water to thousands of families, essential wildlife habitat for threatened species, and beautiful open space for public enjoyment. It exemplifies the cultural legacy of California cattle ranches. More

Contra Costa Goldfields

In the spring, this 30-acre preserve explodes with color. Shocking-yellow flowers bloom thickly in meadows and freshwater vernal pools along busy Highway 4. One of the last-known stands of Contra Costa goldfields thrives here. More

Dutra Ranch

The Franklin Hills provide an essential wildlife corridor where animals roam in natural habitat. By acquiring the historic 158-acre Dutra Ranch, JMLT made a critical linkage along the ridge. The historic Dutra Loop Trail provides a glimpse into the past and how the land was used in the late 1800s. More

Family Harvest Farm

Family Harvest Farm is a 3.5-acre working urban farm located in Pittsburg. Its mission is to empower transition-age foster youth to participate in a local food system that encourages healthy living, nurtures the environment, and grows a sustainable community. More

Fernandez Ranch

A breathtakingly untouched 1,185-acre contrast to densely populated cities nearby, Fernandez Ranch offers stunning views of San Francisco Bay from its ridgetops, and miles of multi-use trails that pass through diverse ecosystems with abundant wildlife. More

Gustin Ranch

These 80 acres of thick woods and grass-covered hills offer sweeping views of the Carquinez Strait, Mount Diablo and the distant Sierra. This gorgeous property was on the verge of being subdivided when JMLT acquired it in 2002. Acres of contiguous open space now provide permanent wildlife protection. More

Harvey Ranch

Forming the natural backdrop to Saint Mary’s College of California in Moraga, the 126-acre Harvey Ranch offers a new gateway to 15,000 acres of pristine wilderness, a new staging area with trailheads and trail connections, quick access to amazing views and pathways, and an enhanced buffer against development for wildlife. More

Mount Wanda

Once part of John Muir’s landholdings, Mount Wanda is named for his daughter. Its summit rewards you with views of Mount Diablo, Briones Park, the Carquinez Strait and lovely surrounding hills. More

Pacheco Marsh

A tiny percentage of the Bay’s saltwater tidal marshes remain in their natural state. JMLT is restoring this rare 247-acre habitat that is critical to our region’s ecosystem and the health of marine wildlife. More

Painted Rock

This 84-acre hill located between Lafayette and Moraga will anchor a 505-acre public open space. This stunning new recreational resource will provide miles of trails and sweeping views for the community, and be a protected haven for wildlife. More

Sky Ranch

Sky Ranch connects East Bay Regional Park District parklands and preserves the Bay Area Ridge Trail and Contra Costa Feeder Trail #1. These trails meet up with the California Hiking & Riding Trail. Whether hiking, biking or riding, look for deer, fox, coyote, red-tailed hawk and American kestrel. More


JMLT was founded around a kitchen table in 1989 to protect this 150-acre open space from development. A conservation easement protects the land in perpetuity, providing recreational opportunities for families and vital habitat for wildlife. More

West Hills Farm

JMLT acquired and donated this 44-acre former fruit farm to the John Muir National Historic Site. Muir himself often walked here with his two daughters, admiring the oak woodlands, bay trees, native shrubs, perennials, and wildflowers that punctuate its grassy hillsides. More