John Muir Land Trust Finalizes Deal To Buy Harvey Ranch

John Muir Land Trust Announces Harvey Ranch Is Saved
January 11, 2023Campaign to save Harvey Ranch a success
January 19,
January 12, 2023
LAMORINDA, CA — The John Muir Land Trust (JMLT) announced Thursday it has raised the necessary $4 million to save Harvey Ranch, 126 acres of land in the hills above Saint Mary’s College in Moraga, from development.
JMLT said in a statement that thousands of donors contributed to its purchase and that “the property adds an essential buffer that protects one of the most important wildlife refuges in the Bay Area.”
JMLT said they expect to open the site to them public in late spring, making it “a new gateway through which generations of outdoor enthusiasts can explore the spectacular 15,000-acre wilderness area formed by the Las Trampas Regional Wilderness and the San Leandro Watershed.” Continued >>