Accreditation Application Notice

Over the past 30 years, John Muir Land Trust has built its reputation for integrity and credibility in meeting its mission to protect and care for open space, ranches, farms, parkland and shoreline in Contra Costa and Alameda Counties. We are now seeking renewal as an accredited land conservation organization that meets national quality standards for protecting important natural places forever. Receiving this high mark of distinction from the Land Trust Accreditation Commission (an independent program of the Land Trust Alliance) will provide assurance to donors, other supporters, and the general public that we are deserving of your trust and will strengthen and position us as we grow.

As part of the application process, the Land Trust Accreditation Commission welcomes written and signed comments from interested parties that specifically relate to how the John Muir Land Trust complies with national quality standards for protecting important natural places forever. These guidelines address the ethical, technical, and legally sound operations of a land trust. To learn more about the accreditation program and to submit a comment, visit or email your comment to

Comments may also be faxed or mailed to the Land Trust Accreditation Commission, Attn: Public Comments: (fax) 518-587-3183; (mail) 36 Phila Street, Suite 2, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866. Please submit comments on the John Muir Land Trust’s application by May 23rd, 2021.