Moraga town council declines to donate towards Painted Rock fund; JMLT not giving up hope

John Muir Land Trust has been working to raise funds to acquire the 84-acre property known as Painted Rock, named so because of the decades-old tradition of painting the huge rock that faces down onto the Rheem Shopping Center. JMLT Executive Director Linus Eukel addressed the Moraga Town Council on March 27, and as of the April 10 town council meeting, JMLT had raised $1.7 million of its $2 million goal. JMLT was looking to raise an additional $100,000 by May 1 to secure a $350,000 matching grant. The final deadline for the $2 million is May 31.

JMLT turned to the town council, requesting the town make a donation to assist in acquiring Painted Rock as open space in perpetuity, according to the staff report. Future visions for the property are to preserve the open space for multi-use trails, ponds, streams, grasslands and wildlife.