John Muir Land Trust Announces Campaign to Save Almond Ranch

John Muir Land Trust (JMLT, has announced the Campaign To Save Almond Ranch, an effort to protect a stunning 281-acre property south of downtown Martinez that has been a top priority of land conservationists for decades. JMLT must raise $4 million by the end of 2019. Saving Almond Ranch from development, the alternative outcome, would preserve an intact habitat corridor for wildlife, connect important major trails for the very first time, link large conserved landscapes, and open the property’s beautiful hills along the Franklin Ridge to hikers, dog walkers, cyclists, bird watchers, equestrians, and nature lovers of all ages.

“Almond Ranch is the proverbial ‘missing piece,’” says JMLT Executive Director Linus Eukel. “All of the benefits of conservation literally intersect here. The ranch protects habitat and clean water, offers close-to-home outdoor recreation, and makes trail connections that have been on everyone’s wish list for decades.”